Hello Brothers, Alumni, and Volunteers,
Welcome to the second installment of the undergraduate chapter’s alumni newsletter. This newsletter will cover the events that occurred in March 2022.
We made some large accomplishments this month despite spring break taking up one week of the month. We finished our recruitment season, held numerous membership development events, and enjoyed several new programming events. We also developed further as an executive board and worked energetically at achieving their semester goals!

As a wrap-up of our spring recruitment, we held our last few events in March and handed out our last bids. We had recruitment events like Kickball, Jackbox games at the House, and field games at Harrison Park. Our recruitment cabinet has also been diligently working hard toward becoming more familiar with the bidding process and we frequently have alumni and brothers speak about how to successfully bid a Potential New Member. We also held a recruitment workshop with our regional director Jonah Williams. After all the events and bidding workshops we sent out five bids with two members accepting our bids and joining. Our new members this semester were brothers Justin Duschesnau, and Will Browning.
An exciting development this semester is our increased frequency of membership development events. Our VP of Member Development Tim Highum and VP of SigEp Learning Communities Jacob Feltz held many member development events this month. Many member development events also included faculty who provided their leadership and development skills to enhance these events. Events that included faculty this month were a Men’s Mental Health Presentation, and a Yoga event. We also hosted Alumni Eugene Woehrle for a meet and greet to get to know him and discuss his time in Platteville.
At the beginning of this semester, our executive board had set many goals for themselves to both improve the chapter and work towards our next Buchanan Cup by reflecting on the last Buchanan cups feedback. The goals the executive board set are to be completed at different times either this semester or next semester. These goals include preventing lapsed challenges and getting brothers to challenge Brother Mentor, a higher chapter GPA, the number of events, new members, and articles, and improving the new chapter house next semester. As we are over halfway through the semester now many of the goals the executive board has set are being readily checked off or near completion. Some of the most notable are the completion of having no brothers with lapsed challenges this semester and that everyone is on the path to advancing to their next challenge, and the number of events held with either Alumni or Faculty fellows this semester.
Looking into the near future and what you can expect from the undergraduate chapter in the next few weeks before Spring Banquet is a large list of events, updates, and success. Just in the first week of April, two Epsilon Projects have occurred. Most notably the notorious St. Baldricks’ head-shaving occurred which will have its dedicated article soon. In April we will also see a flurry of awards, election results, and preparation for the Spring Banquet. Make sure your calendar is marked for April 29th when we conduct our first Burning Heart since 2019. This spring is going to be a big one and we will try to keep everyone up to date on all the exciting things that happen in April!
Until next month,
-Sean McGrath
Sigma Phi Epsilon VP Communications
Email: mcgrathse@uwplatt.edu